Going grey with style...
Afternoon all and sundry.
After many happy years of gert lush long hair flapping about in any sort of a wind, I decided to have it all lopped off.
It was a decision I took a few weeks ago and I thought I’d just kick it around a bit before heading for the scissors to see if I wanted to change my mind, but as time went on, the more it irritated me, the hotter I became on sunny days and so finally, yesterday, I lunged for the blades and ooh, I feel like a new woman!
It’s done me the power of good and as I’ve been run a little ragged of late, it’s given me a much needed boost of confidence and energy.
My friends all drew breath and double-taked my new mullet (allow me this little English travesty), commenting that it had shaved a few years off of my 2 score year and 3, which made me feel all smiley inside.
I’m now building up to having a major eco-colour deployment from Herb UK, the gentlest of all hair products and treatments and I’m quite fancying the Primeval Abby look…(sharp intake of breath from readers now too)…
Let me know your thoughts before I proceed towards the bottle.
Also, just needed to let you know I’m still busy talking and writing rubbish too! Here’s a rubbish round up. Tomorrow, as usual, I’ll be presenting my radio show ‘Slow Down and Green Up’ on Apple AM between 10am and 1pm – do tune in via the ‘Listen Live’ button.
As for wordy bits of a non-vocal variety, I recently penned and shot the newsletter for Recycle More which was great fun and I’ve a cracking interview in the summer edition of the Co-Op Magazine, available at a store near you and to read online too.
I’ve a filming day with the Soil Association soon, which I’m mighty excited about, more details when I can reveal them and the video from the Eco-Rally I drove in last week should surface in a week or two too!
Next week I’ll be doing a talkie thing at the Corsham Literary Festival, shortly followed by another thing at Ways With Words Literary Festival in the gorgeous Dartington Hall, then I’ll be back on the BBC (all being well) the following week…
At the end of the month, the hotly anticipated Book of Green will be out, for which I had the privilege of writing the foreword; be sure to get yourself a free copy from an outlet near you…
Can’t think of anything else exciting and imminent, except my tea, which is slow cooking in the solar oven…oh well, no rush there then…just time to hang out my smalls for a waft in the early evening breeze.
Rubbishly yours,
TS x
You are a busy bee chick!
I love the new hairstyle, it suits you but I did always like your long hair too.
I am growing mine but as the weather gets warmer I can see it being lopped off too.
See you soon
Lots of love to you all
Deb x
Hi chickie! lovely to hear from you and I know what you mean, but that long hair is high maintenance and such a faff when its hot!
Plus, all the swimming I’m doing for the NACOA swim across Lake Windermere is playing havoc….can’t stuff all the wig in a swimming hat!
Much love,
Trace xxx
The mullet is look gorgeous my darling…and I just love the idea of you going for the Abby look. Sorry I missed the programme yesterday but I was out all day in the huge londinium. Will try and get you on the blower today, but by the looks of you, you’re a rare catch at the moment.
Good luck with the hair dye and thanks for the tip xxx
Hi missus – my bloomin’ starter motor blew up yesterday…..so cannot get to 2nd stage hair just yet….it’s in the shop today, so hopefully, I’ll be on track soon.
I look forward to our natter my friend,
TS x
Hi Tracey,
You may not remember me, but how can I forget you!!! ‘Great Hair’. We meet on the Exotic Breadmaking course, and you enlightened me to start composting…. well I now have the biggest pile of rubbish decomposing at the end of my garden.. Thanks for the encouragment it was life changing.
I am also ‘trying to grow veggies’
I will be following you on Twitter for more eco advice.
Tina! Lovely to get a note from you and delighted to hear things have moved along the green line for you – lolol….compost is black gold missus!
Great news about the veggies too – I’ll have to come over and sling some in a flatbread…
See you on Twitter and do keep in touch with what you’re up to.
TS x
Hi Tracy,
Love your blogsite and love what you stand for, if you do not mind I will put a link about you on my site, as I really believe it is people like you that may save this planet from ruin.
Best wishes,
Susie. ps I love your hair.
No wonder I didn’t recognise you at first! My friend came round yesterday and pointed out the article about you in the Co-Op magazine she had tucked under her arm.
Good to meet you at the Corsham festival today
Now where’s that flour…
Dear VP – lol – so lovely to meet you and delighted to hear you’ve got the bread-making bug! Let me know how you get on missus.
Where’s the grater…
TS x
Hi Susie – big thanks for your kind write up and link!
TS x